Collection: Buy Specialty Coffee Online

When you buy a specialty coffee, you're getting the best quality coffee available. The coffee is called "specialty" if it scores 80 points or more on a scale of 100, with many experts aiming for 85 points or higher. This coffee is known for its great flavor and comes from single-origin regions like Bali, Mexico, Peru, and Guatemala, showing the dedication of coffee experts to make it consistently excellent. The idea of specialty coffee started in the 1900s but became popular in the 1970s because people wanted better coffee.

Every bag sold of Powerbean specialty coffee supports World Coffee Research, encourages fair trade, and helps farmers adapt to climate change, offering top-quality beans from Ethiopia, Kenya, Tanzania, Colombia, and Papua New Guinea.

What You MUST Know Before Buying Specialty Coffee?

  • It's all about quality: Specialty coffee means carefully grown, ethically sourced beans with unique flavors.
  • Expect to pay more: The focus on quality and sustainability means higher prices than regular coffee.
  • Taste the difference: If you love exploring unique coffee flavors, specialty coffee is worth trying.
  • Equipment matters: For Light roasts, try a Chemex, V60, or French Press. Dark roasts/espresso: You'll need a good espresso machine. A quality grinder is also essential for any type of specialty coffee

Before you buy, consider:

  • Roast preference? Light, medium, or dark?
  • Whole beans or ground? Whole beans stay fresher, but you'll need a grinder.
  • How much do you drink? Consider bag size based on your consumption. The standard 12 oz Powerbean Coffee bag will get you about 30-40 cups of specialty coffee if you use 8-10 grams per cup.
  • Want to try Powerbean? 12oz bags start at $25.00, and larger sizes offer better value.

Even specialty coffee should be used within 1-2 weeks of the roast date for the best flavor.