Collection: Buy Ground Coffee Online

Ground coffee, the base of brewed coffee, varies in texture from medium particles to fine grinds that slow water passage, with a standard ratio of 1-2 tablespoons (about 5.3 grams per tablespoon) per 6 ounces of water. Unlike instant coffee, which is processed into soluble granules, ground coffee is made by grinding roasted beans into sizes suited for coffee machines.

At Powerbean, we sell ground coffee in three grind sizes: most of our single-origin coffee has drip ground, for cold brew we choose coarse, and for our espresso blend, you get fine ground. When you buy ground coffee online, we recommend medium-light as it unlocks the naturally sweet and delicious characteristics inside the coffee bean.

What You MUST Know Before Buying Ground Coffee?

  • Freshness matters most: Look for a recent roast date, and buy smaller bags if you don't drink much coffee.
  • Know your brew method: Choose the grind size that matches your coffee maker (e.g., coarse for French press, fine for espresso). If unsure, ask the seller.
  • Quality varies: "Specialty" coffee costs more but offers better flavor. Look for words like single-origin, organic, and Fair Trade if these matter to you.
  • It won't last like whole beans: Ground coffee goes stale quicker. Store it in an airtight container and use it within a few weeks of opening.

Before you buy, consider:

  • How much do you drink daily? This determines the bag size you need. From a 12 oz bag of Powerbean Ground Coffee, you can make approximately 24 to 34 cups, using about 2 tablespoons (10g) of ground coffee per 6 oz cup.
  • Do you care about ethical sourcing? Look for certifications (Fair Trade, Rainforest Alliance) if this is important.
  • Your budget: Specialty coffee is more expensive, but the taste difference may be worth it.

If you're new to ground coffee, start with a smaller bag to make sure you like the flavor before committing to a larger size.