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Powerbean Coffee

Colombia Medium Roast Coffee - Fair Trade Organic

Colombia Medium Roast Coffee - Fair Trade Organic

Our Colombia coffee is famous for its rich aroma and delightful chocolate and fruit flavors. As the world's second-largest Arabica producer, Colombia's unique climate and volcanic soil create the perfect conditions for exceptional coffee. Picture notes of cocoa and ripe plum with a voluptuous aroma. At Powerbeans Coffee, you can buy this delicious Colombian coffee in 12 oz or 5 lbs sizes, as whole bean or ground (drip size).

Regular price $24.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $24.00 USD
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Coffee Info

CUPPING NOTES: Medium Acidity, Rounded Body. Dark Chocolate, Mango, Peach, Nice Complexity

ROAST LEVEL: Medium Roast

Excelso, European Preparation


1,500-2,100 M

Washed and Sun Dried

Tipica, Caturra, and Castillo


Cafe del Macizo, established by 59 farmers in 2003 in Planadas, Tolima, produces high-quality Colombian coffee in the Cordillera Central foothills. Tolima's coffee history is marked by conflict, particularly due to the FARC occupation, which halted global coffee production until peace agreements facilitated the return of growers. Known for varieties like Typica, Castillo, and Bourbon, Tolima's coffee, grown by smallholders including indigenous and Afro-descendant groups, is famous for its denomination of origin and distinct flavors like stone fruit and berries. Interestingly, much of Tolima's land remained untouched during the conflict, leading to organic-certified coffee farming on soil free from agrochemicals, showcasing the region's shift towards quality and innovation in Colombian coffee production.

Roast To Order

Our products are roasted to order and shipped each business day. We create coffee profiles with our Ikawa sample roasters and transfer the best roast level to our 10KG drum roasters, ensuring fresh, small-batch, craft-roasted coffee.

Powerbean Coffee orders usually ship within 3-5 business days, with possible delays during holidays and peak times.

Shipping and Delivery

Our products are shipped in recyclable mailers and boxes. Retail orders are sent via USPS, UPS, and FedEx, typically delivered within 3-4 business days after roasting/packing.

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What To Know When Buying Colombian Coffee?

Colombian Coffee is a type of Arabica known for its rich, mild flavor and balanced acidity, thriving in Colombia's varied climate and volcanic soil. The country's high-altitude regions like Medellín, Armenia, and Manizales, ranging from 4,920 to 6,890 feet above sea level, contribute to a slower bean development, enhancing flavor, with each region offering unique tastes: Medellín is smooth and nutty, Armenia is sweet and citrusy, and Manizales is rich and full-bodied. Colombian coffee stands out for its high antioxidant potential, with a Total Phenolic Content (TPC) of an average of 17.74 mg GAE/g, the highest among coffees from Australia, Ethiopia, and Peru, according to a 2022 study by Akhtar Ali from the University of Melbourne. This richness in antioxidants, including chlorogenic acid, contributes to health benefits like anti-Alzheimer and anti-diabetic properties, making Colombian coffee a tasty and healthy choice.

How To Brew The Best Colombian Coffee?

To brew the best Colombian coffee, aim for a medium roast to preserve its unique flavor profile, and use a pour-over or French press method for optimal taste extraction. The ideal water temperature is around 195°F to 205°F, and a coffee-to-water ratio of 1:16 is recommended for balanced flavor. Key flavor notes in Colombian coffee include caramel, nuts, and mild fruitiness, and it's best to use fresh, filtered water and grind the beans just before brewing to enhance these flavors.