Our Story

Coffee is our cherished daily ritual, a symbol of celebration and tradition, and the ultimate energy boost. It's everything that drives our day, but what it's not is just a simple morning beverage. We understand that coffee moments are special, whether to kick-start your day, power through your afternoon, or make your Saturday sparkle. That's how Powerbean Coffee started. We take pride to sell specialty grade coffee (that actually tastes great) while ensuring fair compensation for our farmers, using sustainable farming practices, and preserving our wildlife.

What is Powerbean Coffee?

Powerbean Coffee is a brand that sells specialty coffee and provides educational information on coffee brewing, health benefits, recipes, and coffee culture. We source coffee beans only from selected coffee cooperatives, ensuring ethical practices and fair trade to benefit farmers and their communities. We're a group of friends who are baristas, coffee shop owners, coffee researchers, and coffee enthusiasts. We came together to brew up Powerbean Coffee, sharing our passion, knowledge, and dreams in a brand that champions quality, sustainability, and fairness. Sourcing coffee beans isn't easy; we only work with the finest, eco-friendly cooperatives to ensure every cup of coffee supports those who depend on coffee for their livelihood, making a difference one sip at a time. You can buy specialty coffee at Powerbean Coffee website.

about powerbean coffee

What Makes Powerbean Coffee Great?

What sets Powerbean Coffee apart from other specialty coffee brands is our commitment to freshness. We roast to order. This means that we don't roast our coffee until you place your order, ensuring the freshest beans possible. We carefully select the finest coffee beans from our diverse sources. Once your order is placed, we roast these beans to perfection, allowing their unique flavors to develop fully. After roasting, we promptly package and ship the beans directly to your doorstep, ensuring you experience the true essence of freshly roasted coffee in every cup.

Powerbean Coffee is a micro business, but we're all about making great coffee and supporting the people who grow it. Our goal is to make sure you enjoy our freshly roasted coffee while we make sure the farmers are treated right. Not all coffee beans are created equal. Quality coffee, rich in flavor and sourced with care, unlocks the most potent health benefits. In a 2020 study from Warsaw University of Life Sciences, it was found that organic specialty coffee has higher antioxidants and more bioactive compounds like polyphenols, chlorogenic acid, and salicylic acid than regular commodity coffee.

Who Founded Powerbean Coffee?

Michal Sieroslawski is the CEO and founder of Powerbean Coffee, a specialty coffee company. He believes coffee offers more than just comfort, an energy boost, or a caffeine hit. As a writer, exercise physiologist, and researcher, he shares insights into coffee's scientific nuances, its health benefits, and its impact on sustainability and farmer livelihoods through Powerbean Coffee blog.

We partner with cooperatives based on a trio of criteria: quality, sustainability, and community support where the focus is on the well-being of farmers, organic practices, and providing members with medical care, and support. We embrace cooperatives where organic and Fair Trade Certified coffee is produced with an emphasis on gender equality and increasing family income. 

Where does Powerbean Coffee Source its Coffee Beans From?

Powerbean Coffee sources beans from small-scale farmer cooperatives listed below, recognizing they are the heart of coffee production.

  1. Apicus COOP in the northern Huehuetenango region.
  2. El Federacion de Sociedades Cooperativas Indigenas y Ecologicas de Chiapas (FESICH) located in the Jaltenango region of the Mexico.
  3. CAFESCOR situated in the town of Corquin, Honduras.
  4. The Cooperativa Multifuncional Family Coffee R.L. (COMULFAC) located in JinotegaNicaragua.
  5. CoopeAgri located in the Perez Zeledon Region in Southern Costa Rica.
  6. Café de Macizo in the state of Tolima, Colombia.
  7. The Asociacion de Productores Cafetaleros Juan Marco El Palto (JUMARP) located in northern Peru.
  8. Oromia Coffee Farmers' Cooperative Union (OCFCU) based in the Oromia region of Ethiopia.
  9. BUGISU Cooperative from the Kapchorwa district in Uganda.
  10. Kenya Cooperative Coffee Exporters (KCCE) in Kenya.
  11. Wayanad Social Service Society (WSSS) located in the state of Kerala in south of India.
  12. Unen Choit Cooperative Society from Morobe and Madang region in in Papua New Guinea.


Powerbean Coffee champions sustainability through direct trade purchasing, establishing a direct connection with farmers to ensure fair compensation and support sustainable farming practices, signifying their dedication to ethical sourcing and environmental stewardship. Their commitment extends to obtaining organic and Rainforest Alliance certifications, showcasing their efforts to minimize synthetic inputs and preserve biodiversity while ensuring the well-being of farm workers, emphasizing their holistic approach to sustainability. 

Content Integrity

Content integrity refers to the accuracy, reliability, and consistency of information presented across a platform or product, encompassing three key aspects: source credibility, factual accuracy, and up-to-date information. The content integrity of Powerbean Coffee ensures that all written content, including articles and product descriptions, is meticulously researched, sourced from authoritative coffee experts and scientific studies, and regularly updated to reflect the latest coffee trends and health findings. This approach guarantees that customers and readers receive well-informed, trustworthy, and current insights into their coffee, from bean sourcing and health benefits to brewing techniques, thereby enhancing their coffee experience with reliable and engaging information.


A Privacy Policy is a legal statement that outlines how a company collects, uses, and protects the personal information of its customers, focusing on transparency, accountability, and customer rights. Powerbean Coffee's Privacy Policy ensures the protection of customer data through secure data handling practices, clear consent procedures, and stringent data protection measures, demonstrating their commitment to privacy, trust, and security. This policy is designed to empower customers with information about their data rights, detailing procedures for accessing, correcting, or deleting personal information, thereby reinforcing Powerbean Coffee's dedication to respecting customer privacy and upholding data integrity.

How To Contact Powerbean Coffee

You have several ways to reach Powerbean Coffee. Visit our Contact Us  page for email addresses, phone numbers, and social media links. You can also contact our Albuquerque office directly during business hours:

Address: 1209 Mountain Rd, STE N, Albuquerque, New Mexico, 87110