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Powerbean Coffee

Decaf Cold Brew Coffee - Fair Trade Organic

Decaf Cold Brew Coffee - Fair Trade Organic

Our Cold Brew decaf coffee is a medium roast, specialty-grade, single-origin coffee from Peru. Sourced from JUMARP, a cooperative in the northern Amazonian Andes known for its organic and Fair Trade practices, this coffee is decaffeinated using the Swiss Water process. This solvent-free method involves soaking beans in hot water to remove caffeine, filtering through activated charcoal, and reinfusing the beans with flavor-rich water. Choose from whole bean or drip ground options below to enjoy this delicious Cold Brew decaf coffee.

Regular price $25.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $25.00 USD
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Coffee Info

CUPPING NOTES: Medium Acidity, Smooth Body, Lemon, Herbal, Chocolate

ROAST LEVEL: Medium Roast

GRADE: Grade 1, SHG (Strictly High Grown), EP European preparation

REGION: Amazonas

ALTITUDE:1,600-1,800 M


VARIETALS: Typica, Castillo, Bourbon, and Catimor

CERTIFICATION: Fair Trade, Organic

JUMARP El Palto FW Organic coffee, with an overall cup score of 83-84 out of 100, is sourced from smallholder farms in Peru's Amazonas region. These coffee plants thrive at altitudes ranging from 1,300 to 1,800 meters above sea level and are cultivated using sustainable agroforestry techniques. The association responsible for this coffee invests Fairtrade and Organic premiums into community projects, including crop renovations, education programs, and environmental protection, while their successful quality improvement program has raised the coffee's cup scores.

When you choose Powerbean Cold Brew Decaf coffee, you're supporting smallholder producers in Peru who follow a household-based model of specialty coffee production. They employ labor-intensive processes such as selective handpicking, pulping, fermentation, washing, and drying to produce high-quality organic Arabica coffee beans. This blend features Catimor, Caturra, and Typica varietals, processed using the fully washed method and harvested from March to September.

Roast To Order

Our products are roasted to order and shipped each business day. We create coffee profiles with our Ikawa sample roasters and transfer the best roast level to our 10KG drum roasters, ensuring fresh, small-batch, craft-roasted coffee.

Powerbean Coffee orders usually ship within 3-5 business days, with possible delays during holidays and peak times.

Shipping and Delivery

Our products are shipped in recyclable mailers and boxes. Retail orders are sent via USPS, UPS, and FedEx, typically delivered within 3-4 business days after roasting/packing.

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