Blonde Espresso vs. Regular: What's the Difference?

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is blonde espresso stronger

Blonde espresso and regular espresso might look similar, but their differences extend beyond roast level. Blonde espresso refers to a 1oz espresso shot pulled from lightly roasted coffee beans often enjoyed plain straight without the addition of sugar, milk, or cream to better experience the complex light roast flavor profile. Regular espresso, also a 1oz shot, uses dark roast beans and can be enjoyed straight or as the base for over 20 different types of coffee drinks such as lattes, cappuccinos, or americanos.

When choosing between regular or blonde espresso, consider taste as the primary factor, not price or availability (though both types of coffee beans can be purchased at our online store at Powerbean Coffee). Blonde espresso's shorter roasting time retains slightly more caffeine, higher acidity, and more of the coffee's original flavors. This fundamental difference between the two espresso types, and the fact that they require different espresso machine settings, creates variations in aroma, flavor notes, and strength. Therefore, choosing between blonde and regular espresso isn't as straightforward as it may seem.

What Is Blonde Espresso?

Blonde espresso is a type of espresso brewed from light roast coffee beans. These beans are roasted for a shorter time, typically under ten minutes at 350 to 400 degrees Fahrenheit (175°C - 205°C). For an even lighter flavor, white roasts are pulled before the beans crack at all. This shorter roasting time results in a light brown color (similar to cinnamon) and a low browning index, often referred to as 70 points or higher on the Agtron scale by specialty coffee experts.

While Starbucks popularized the term "blonde espresso" in 2017, the concept of a "blonde roast" or "light roast" has existed for longer. How popular is blonde roast espresso? According to Alexander Kunst from Statista, in a 2017 survey of consumers' attitudes toward light-roast coffee in the United States, 19 percent of respondents reported a strong preference for light roasts, as they allow all of the individual notes of the beans to come to the fore.

A 2022 report, "Favorite coffee roasts of U.S. consumers in 2022" published by M. Ridder in 2024, suggests a decline in popularity, with only 12.4 percent of consumers preferring light roast coffee. According to "Number of Starbucks Worldwide 2024: Facts, Statistics, and Trends" by FinancesOnline, Chicago and Philadelphia are cities where blonde roast was the most popular.

Despite this trend, while there may not be significant health benefits compared to other roasts, blonde espresso provides a distinctive taste experience. It has rich, almost wine-like sweetness alongside floral, and bright acidity. Light roast Arabica coffee beans used for blonde espresso often come from regions such as Ethiopia or Colombia, where they are grown at 6000-7000 ft above sea level. These regions are known for their complex and distinctive flavor profiles that are preserved through the lighter roasting process.

what does blonde espresso mean

However, enjoying blonde roast espresso at home comes with a slight challenge: not every espresso machine can handle light roasts well. Due to the denser coffee beans in blonde roast espresso, you'll likely need to adjust the brewing temperature, grind size, and even the extraction time to pull a 'perfect' shot. Since not every coffee machine has options to manually adjust those settings, your shots may be inconsistent.

What Is Regular Espresso?

Regular espresso is brewed with dark roast coffee beans, also referred to as Italian roast. These beans are roasted at a minimum of 440 degrees (225°C) for a longer time, typically around 10-30 seconds after the second crack. They develop a deep brown, almost black color (often described as 35-40 points on the Agtron scale) and may start to release oils on the surface. This results in a quite intense, bitter taste. Despite this sometimes overwhelming flavor, dark roast remains popular, with 18% of Americans preferring to drink their coffee black, according to the 'Coffee Facts & Statistics 2024 Report' by Drive Research.

So why does regular espresso use dark roast coffee beans? Traditional espresso blends rely on dark roast Arabica and Robusta coffee beans for several reasons. First, dark roasts become brittle in the roasting process, which allows for the fine grind and quick extraction time essential to espresso preparation. Secondly, their bold, roasty flavors of chocolate and nuts are what many drinkers expect from the classic espresso experience. Additionally, dark roasts are a favorite for espresso-based drinks like flat whites and affogato, as their intense flavor can stand up to additions like milk and syrups.

However, for those seeking more complex, nuanced flavors, the "predictable" nature of dark roasts can become less appealing. This is where exploring lighter roasts in specialty coffee comes in.

What Are the Differences Between Blonde Espresso and Regular Espresso?

The main difference between blonde and regular espresso is the roast level. This results in significant flavor and aroma differences. So what does blonde espresso taste like? Blonde espresso has a bright, juicy burst of citrusy acidity, intertwined with fruit-forward sweetness and delicate floral undertones, although its profile will vary based on coffee varieties used. In contrast, regular espresso roasts often taste of chocolate, caramel, or spice. Additionally, regular espresso usually has a fuller, thicker body compared to the lighter, sometimes tea-like body of light roast espresso.

When pairing with food, consider the following: Blonde espresso pairs wonderfully with fresh fruit, where the acidity complements the bright flavors of berries and citrus, enhancing the overall tasting experience. Regular espresso, on the other hand, pairs exceptionally well with rich desserts such as chocolate cake and tiramisu.

Other differences between regular and blonde espresso include potential health impacts, caffeine levels, and origin of coffee beans.

difference between blonde espresso and regular

Health Differences Between Blonde Espresso and Regular

While there is no single answer to whether regular or blonde espresso is inherently healthier, there are some interesting differences. Light-roasted coffee beans, used for blonde espresso, consistently show greater antioxidant activity compared to dark roast beans. This is supported by several studies, including a recent 2022 experimental study by Eman Alamri from the University of Tabuk, which found that light-roasted coffee gave 11.24% higher antioxidant activity.

Besides antioxidants, is blonde espresso healthier? Not really. Blonde espresso isn't the clear winner in all areas. Dark roast coffee beans may be more effective for weight loss, according to a 2011 study by Christine Kotyczka. The research showed that participants who drank dark roast coffee lost an average of 5.7 pounds over a 12-week period, compared to those who consumed light roast coffee, who lost an average of 1.8 pounds.

Additionally, a 2022 toxicological research study by Joseph Kim, published in the Journal of Food Protection, showed that blonde espresso's shorter roasting time may lead to slightly higher levels of acrylamide, a substance that might be harmful in large amounts. Darker roasts, while having fewer antioxidants and less caffeine, reduce this potential risk.

Caffeine Differences Between Blonde Espresso and Regular

The question of whether blonde or regular espresso has more caffeine is more complex than it might seem. Studies show that the roasting degree of coffee beans affects caffeine levels. Lighter roast coffee beans, like those used for blonde espresso, have slightly more caffeine than dark roast coffee beans (used for regular espresso). For example, a 2021 study by Shady Awwad from Applied Science Private University found that light roast coffee has around 5.8 milligrams of caffeine per ounce, compared to 5.6 milligrams per ounce in dark roast, ash shown in this table.

Coffee Type Roasting Temperature (°C) Chlorogenic Acid (mg/oz) Caffeine Levels (mg/oz)
Green Coffee --- 16.06 4.93
Blonde Roast 155–165 8.01 5.81
Medium Roast 175–185 5.55 6.02
Espresso Roast 205–215 2.68 5.61

So, does this mean blonde espresso has more caffeine than regular? Not necessarily. While lighter roasts have a bit more caffeine, the biggest factor is the type of coffee bean used for the espresso blend.

Arabica beans, typically used in blonde espresso, naturally have lower caffeine levels compared to robusta beans, often found in dark roast blends. Studies like Silvia Amelia Verdiani Tfouni's 2014 work illustrate this, with arabica having 87.3 – 122.5 milligrams of caffeine per 100mL, and robusta containing 123.3 – 192.0 milligrams per 100mL.

Therefore, even though a blonde roast arabica might have slightly more caffeine than a dark roast arabica, a dark roast espresso made from a blend of robusta and arabica beans will likely have more caffeine overall. The variability in caffeine in espresso makes it difficult to definitively say whether blonde or regular espresso generally contains more. Ultimately, the caffeine content of blonde vs. regular espresso depends on the specific type and origin of beans used, making a general comparison difficult.

Bean Origin Differences Between Blonde Espresso and Regular

Blonde espresso and regular coffee blends use different types of coffee beans, coming from different regions and altitudes. For example, the best coffee beans for blonde espresso are Arabica beans from Ethiopia, Costa Rica, Colombia, and Kenya. These higher altitude beans (typically grown at elevations of 1,500 - 2,500 meters above sea level) are potentially more suitable for light roasting (blonde espresso).

Is blonde espresso more acidic? Yes, light roasting better preserves the nuanced flavors and increased acidity that are characteristic of these beans. On the other hand, regular espresso roast (dark roast) blends often use a mix of Arabica and Robusta beans from lower altitudes (800-1,500 meters). These beans tend to be less acidic and have a more bitter flavor.

What Are the Pros and Cons of Making Blonde Espresso vs. Regular Espresso?

The decision regarding the pros and cons of making regular vs blonde espresso is highly situational, with each type of coffee having its benefits and drawbacks.

Regular espresso beans are easier to work with and offer a reliable experience. They are ideal for standard bean-to-cup machines with automatic settings like the De'Longhi Rivelia Automatic Compact or Beko CaffeExperto. These machines provide consistent shots without a lot of tinkering.

On the other hand, blonde espresso, made from light roasts, presents a more nuanced flavor profile but requires specialized equipment and knowledge. As noted by Federico Pinna, 6th place winner at the 2024 World Barista Championship in Busan, you'll need a machine that allows precise control over temperature, grind size, and pressure. A PID controller (which helps maintain stable temperature) is highly recommended.

When asked how to make espresso, Federico recommends grinding the beans finely, using a dose of 22 grams, and extracting with water at 94°C for a blonde espresso shot. Aim for a 20-25 seconds brewing time and adjust the machine to output 40 grams of espresso for optimal flavor balance. A quality grinder is also essential for the finer grind needed.

So, while blonde espresso offers a unique flavor experience, it requires a more expensive setup. If you're willing to invest in equipment and technique, it can be rewarding. Otherwise, regular espresso offers an easier and still delicious option.

Does Blonde Espresso Cost More?

No, blonde espresso typically does not cost more than regular espresso. At major coffee chains like Starbucks, the price for drinks remains the same regardless of whether you choose blonde or regular espresso. Our blonde espresso blend at Powerbean Coffee costs the same as our regular, dark roast, and medium roast espressos.

What Are the Best Blonde Espresso Beans?

The best blonde espresso beans are light-roast, single-origin beans from South America or Africa. Look for high-altitude beans for a sweeter, less bitter espresso – Powerbean Coffee offers freshly-roasted, specialty options under $25 for a 12oz bag.

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